Assignment 2: Rough Draft due 9/26

Media Studio Imaging


Collage : Fragmented Reality


The practice of collage emerged as a way to rupture the illusionistic surfaces of images, particularly photography.  Collage can create new and surprising combinations of images, transform everyday images into something radically different, and provide a means to critique and deconstruct the slick surface of mass media.


For this project, create a collage using found images.  The images can be from any source, but should be high resolution and high quality to avoid visible compression and scale artifacts.  Images you scan from print media will generally be higher quality than images you find online.  Use transform tools and image adjustments to fit the pieces together.


The collage should transform the meaning of the original images, and should demonstrate your understanding of composition principles:

  • balance
  • foreground, middleground, background
  • implied line and dynamic composition

Left to Right: Hannah Hoch, Richard Hamilton, Max Ernst